Red Velvet Oreo Milk Shake Recipe Remake | HellthyJunkFood

2016-06-14 62

I'm not sure why I'm making another milk shake other than the fact that I fucking love milk shakes. This is currently a new item on the Burger King menu getting rave reviews online so I figured I'd dabble in it myself.

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Red Velvet Oreo Milk Shake
550 Calories Per 16 oz Glass
Prep: 10 min Bake: 20 min Blend: 30 seconds

• 4 Scoops Vanilla Ice Cream
• 1 Red Velvet Cupcake
• 1/4 Cup Skim Milk
• 2 Oreo Cookies
• 1/4 Tsp Vanilla Extract
• Whipped Cream

Red Velvet Cupcakes:
• Red Velvet Cake Mix
• 2 Eggs
• 1/4 Cup Oil
• 1-1/4 Cup Water
• Cream Cheese Frosting


1.) I've seen some people throw in the raw cake mix into a blender and I to me that just doesn't sound right, so we're going to start by making Red Velvet Cupcakes. Why? Because 1 Cupcake seems to be a good portion size for a milkshake.

2.) Follow directions on the box and bake at 350°F for 20 minutes. We did it for 20 minutes and it literally came out perfect. Moist, light and fluffy... But everyone's equipment is different and I highly doubt it's been calibrated but plus or minus a few degrees shouldn't matter anyway.

3.) Let these cupcakes cool down before applying the cream cheese frosting.

4.) For the milkshake add in 4 generous scoops of vanilla ice cream, 3 Oreo cookies, 1/4 Cup skim milk, 1 of those cup cakes you just made with the frosting on it and just a hint of vanilla extract.
5.) Blend

6.) Add a dollop of whipped cream on top or if you're using the spray can thing it's not really considered a dollop. It's more of a spray circle movement thingy.

7.) Sprinkle on some crushed Oreo crumbles, mainly for the aesthetic, it doesn't really add much to the beverage unless the particles float down in the drink.

8.) Step 8. You're done. Drink it like the little bitch that you.

Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size 16 oz Glass
Calories 550
Total Fat 15g
Saturated 8g
Trans 0g
Cholesterol 45mg
Sodium 400mg
Total Carbs 55g
Dietary Fiber 5g
Sugars 50g
Protein 15g

Disclaimer: Nutrition Facts are estimated through MyFitnessPal and should act as a general guideline. It does not represent any actual facts.

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